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During a child’s early formative years is the period where a child should be taught to read, write and think.  Studies have shown that children who learn to read by third grade (8-9 years old) are less likely to end up in prison, drop out of school or take drugs.  Reading stimulates the brain and the mental faculties.  Our objective is to enrich the children educational development through the following:

  • A much needed library to encourage literacy and enlighten the minds of children through the wonder of books

  • Introduction of phonics in early childhood to lay the foundation to develop children’s cognitive ability

  • A computer room which will promote computer awareness and allow children to do research and school projects.  Currently, they have to pay for this service at an Internet Café which they seldom can afford.

  • After school help with homework.

  • After-school remedial class for children to keep up with / or better their peers.

  • Innovative recreational activities and arts and crafts programs.

  • Adult education classes.

  • Workshops on achieving self sustenance.

  • An environment where children can share information and ideas.


No fees will be charged by this center.  All services to the children of Lusignan, Good Hope and its neighboring villages will be free.


Copyright © 2009 Restoring Hope International Inc. All Rights Reserved